US Congressional Delegates Visit Amkor Philippines

June 5, 2024 in Company News by Amkor Marcom

The United States Congressional Delegation visit to Amkor Philippines (ATP) was a resounding success! The delegates embarked on a window tour, exhibiting keen interest in our processes, services and products. Senator Christopher Coons, drawing from his previous experience working in the manufacturing industry, posed numerous insightful questions, particularly regarding our automotive industry offerings.

ATP presented a video introduction highlighting Amkor’s position as a major Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test (OSAT) company and the diverse range of markets we support.

Throughout the visit, we underscored Amkor’s critical role within the supply chain of US-based semiconductor companies. The visit provided an invaluable platform to highlight Amkor’s cutting-edge capabilities and underscore our pivotal role as a strategic player in the worldwide semiconductor ecosystem.

Event Photos

US Delegates with Amkor Philippines team again Amkor logo

Congressman Coons looking through microscope