Our global B2B team provides centralized monitoring and customer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The Amkor B2B team is experienced with customer integration, business processes, industry, and standard solutions. We understand what customers want and need:

  • Visibility to package assembly and test manufacturing processes and material inventory levels
  • Seamless supplier integration with planning, logistics, finance and other critical systems to promote efficiency and decision making
  • Flexible high-quality solutions that can be rapidly deployed

We are experienced in customer integration

Located globally at Amkor sales offices and factory sites, B2B account managers are dedicated to customers and their projects. Amkor ensures customers have a comprehensive understanding of projects.

  • More than 50 years of manufacturing experience, with hundreds of successful customer integrations
  • A team of B2B managers dedicated to personally facilitate a customer’s business-to-business integration needs
  • A Global Center of B2B Excellence supporting a reliable, centralized system and a single source of truth


Business-to-Business Integration with Amkor
The strength of Amkor’s B2B architecture is a global infrastructure that provides a centralized exchange of manufacturing information between factories, sales teams, and customers. Data flows from factories around the clock, providing customers lot status and transactions, shipping and billing information, including customer purchase orders and build instructions.

Delivery Protocols
RosettaNet RNIF, File Transfer Protocol (FTP/SFTP), EDI (VAN and AS2), SOAP Web Services (HTTPS), MQ, JMS, Encryption and various third-party suppliers.

Message Formats
RosettaNet PIPs, delimited flat files, EDI, XML, EDI/EDIFACT, Excel, and text-based reports.

Choose from a Variety of Integration Methods
To align processes between global trading partners and deliver a common eBusiness language, Amkor chose the RosettaNet standard. RosettaNet Partner Interface Processes (PIPs) and RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) delivery protocol enable B2B transactions in a seamless, secure and real-time manner. Supporting multiple PIPs, Amkor can support many integrated processes including, support of multiple message formats and delivery protocols.


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