Amkor Technology Koreaが

2021年7月27日付 社内報 記事寄稿者:Eun Kim

Amkor Technology Korea(ATK)は、現地の工業高校卒業生を雇用して若者の雇用に貢献していることが評価され、2021年7月27日に韓国の雇用に関する優良企業に選ばれました。

ATK優良企業賞Since 2018, the South Korea Ministry of Employment and Labor has been selecting the best companies for employees to encourage, share, and spread the companies’ achievements in creating high-quality jobs. Selected companies are awarded a certificate in the name of the president and are provided with 210 administrative and financial supports for 1~3 years, including credit evaluation/interest preferential treatment, tax audit deferment, and regular labor inspection exemption.
